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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mentor Recap (Any Choice)

On Tuesday, I met with my mentor Mr. Maggi and we discussed what I did on my sponsor visit. He really approved of my progress and I get the feeling that he is proud of me like young apprentice learning the ways of the Force.
Surprisingly, the research paper came up in conversation and I tried to avoid the conversation but it was unavoidable. Later on we talked about the topic of the hour “The Big Presentation”. He gave me some of the greatest advice possible to break up my presentation into chunks like a dinner. I was told to hit my viewers with a bang in the beginning and end. . And that is exactly what I am going to do. This is only the beginning. Announcement: Maggi will be playing in Dirty Diana while I record the cover song. .


1 comment:

  1. Why did you want to keep away from the research paper topic?

    I really like Mr. Maggi's advice!
