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Monday, March 22, 2010

Making a Connection to Motown. (Rags to Riches Epiphany)

Through my research for my paper I learned a great deal about Berry Gordy and Motown from his rags to riches upbringing. Berry Gordy began Motown with a vision and a loan from his family that supported his new business decision. Like the Jackson family, the Gordy family was also very musically gifted although none of their generation became superstars they still had a love for music.

In comparison, as a young child I was gifted with a voice and incredible stage presents if I must say so myself. I started singing in the church choir then the unthinkable happened and I lost my voice due to puberty which was discouraging. Rip into rags because of my lost talent I began to become a stronger dancer watching and learning from Michael Jackson, Usher, and a lot of old school dancing movies. Like Berry Gordy learning the tools of my trade from my idols I became my own best teacher training my talents. This often reminds me of Joseph in the bible how he was sent to jail and while in captivity he worked his gift until it got him where he wanted to be. It amazes me how far I’ve come and how much I worked to be this good without any proper vocal training taught myself. This really goes to show you that I truly have my father’s coat on and it flows through me. (The Father’s Coat in the Book of Genius, the story of Joseph look it up) The play really allowed me to show the town of Lindenwold exactly what Antione “Iconic” McGee could do with a simple song telling a girl to go back to high school.

The title rags to riches come to mind because when I started singing again I was at the bottom of the popularity charts. When now I am near the top of the charts with my vocal ability however, my sponsor Brian begs to differ he says I am the best vocalist in the school by far. I am honored to be held to such a high esteem but I feel I have a long way to go. But, I have come from rags to riches that are just beginning. Lastly, remember that God is Love. A.T.M.


  1. Something tells me that your grounding will keep you from falling prey to "hubris." Do you remember that one from when we studied Antigone. Contine to go to where you are strong.

    I like your analogy to Joseph, who started as a rather brash young man who was skilled only at interpereting dreams.

  2. Why do you let so much time pass between blog entries?
