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Monday, December 14, 2009

Kite Runner and Me. Part II

In the Chapter 17, Amir and Rahim are in a house talking bout Hassan and how he changed. They also bring up the point that the Hassan they known and loved is gone. But the symbolic item in this chapter is the picture, the letter, and the Taliban. Amir reads the letter and it brings up a discussion about the issues they face at home.

However, I have seen something similar to this before in a movie called "The Dark Knight", a fimilar scene as well. In the film that is now classic thriller, the Joker is at large in Gotham City and is causing havoc among the citizens of Gotham. Batman, the dark knight, trys in his power to stop the Joker but despite is affords he loses the battle and the woman he loves. Ironically, before his beloved diedshe wrote him a letter and told him that the love he once knew has gone. To spice it up I see the Joker and his goons as the Taliban who are unfair and demonic.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Dark Knight! It is a good movie. I can relate to this blog because 2 of the 3 connections I did were movie related. I think it is so much easier if you relate if you can make a visual connection. I love movies, not books so it makes reading blogs more fun.
