In the movie, Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith, Chancellor Palpatine told young Anakin Skywalker that “The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.” Sometimes I often wonder how it would feel to live in the world of the Star Wars with the training in the Jedi Temple and avoiding the Dark Side. The question comes to mind what side would I choose? I know I would go to the Force side because I am not actually an evil man. However, there are those times where I could be questionable if pushed to my limits. Little do many people know there is a force within me that my dark side which is very powerful. Similar to Anakin Skywalker in episode II Attack of the Clones when he found that the sand people killed his mother and killed them all the men, the women, and the children too. I find myself to capable of the same destruction and I know that I would turn to the dark side for someone that I love to keep them from dying. In saying this I would love to be a Sith Lord because it is opposite of how I am throughout my daily life but it’s a part of me that once embraced cannot be stop. But, there is always a chance for redemption. . to be continued!
There is a duality in human nature, unless you're talking about those rare people like Jimmy Butler, people who are 99.9999? good in their souls.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I would turn to the dark side to keep someone I love from dying, especially if it would cause greivous pain for others.
Star Wars rocks!!! Filmerna äger hela huset haha