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Monday, December 14, 2009

Words !! Words !! Words!! Vocab 10-17

  1. burqa - a loose, usually black or light blue robe that is worn by Muslim women.

  2. Interminable- having no limits

  3. trek - a journey or trip, esp. one involving difficulty or hardship.

  4. Elopement- to run of with a lover

  5. fretting  - to make a way by gnawing, corrosion, wearing away.

  6. braying  - to make a loud, harsh, disagreeable sound.Ambivalent- uncertainty or fluctuation

  7. Elopement- to run of with a lover

  8. Idle- not working or active

  9. Squall: a sudden disturbance or commotion

  10. invigorating- to fill with life or energy

1 comment:

  1. Is #10 "invigorating?" Personally, new vocab words invigorate me, just as all things Michael Jackson invigorate you.
