In Chapter 23, Amir has an episode of slipping in and out of consciousness. During this time of disadvantage Amir has a session of enlightenment. Through these in and out periods Amir has another dream but this time it is about Baba and he is wrestling a bear.
With curiosity I researched what a bear symbolizes. A bear is thought to possess diplomacy equal to its great strength and it is the emblem of ferocity in the protection of kindred. A bear is also a symbol of healing and personal health, strength and bravery. So to my amazement Baba is fighting with strength and bravery. And I wondered if this was leading to something but I suddenly disappointed.
I really did not connect to this part of our reading. This was really strange because I usually have some strong connections to the book and myself. Unfortunately, this is not the case, sorry followers.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Who needs words in the Wild. Kite Runner 17-23 Vocabulary !!!
- haphazardly - in a haphazard manner; at random.
- craggy - rugged; harsh; rough.
- arduous-requiring great exertion; laborious; difficult:
- queries-a question; an inquiry
- tarpaulin-a protective covering of canvas or other material waterproofed with tar, paint, or wax.
- cavernous - being, resembling, or suggestive of a cavern, hollow and deep-sounding.
- commodity - an article of trade or commerce, esp. a product as distinguished from a service.
- ruminate - to chew again or over and over, to meditate on; ponder.
- sahib - sir; master: a term of respect used.
- furtive-sly; shifty
Monday, December 14, 2009
Taliban, Don't Be Cruel !!!!
I never knew the Taliban ruled over Pakistan for quite sometime. And to my amazement, The Kite Runner, is very educational to my growth in culture and studies of man. The orgin of the Taliban goes back to the Mujahideen warlords that used to rape and murder little girls and boys from a family traveling to Kandahar.
The Taliban is also known as Al-Qaeda which is one of the most dangerous group of people that we face during this time period. I sort of piece together why Al-Qadea hates us so much and that is because we stuck our noses into another countries business. This is what America does we are like the big bullies of this world who think we can save the world when the world itself does not want saving.
The Taliban is also known as Al-Qaeda which is one of the most dangerous group of people that we face during this time period. I sort of piece together why Al-Qadea hates us so much and that is because we stuck our noses into another countries business. This is what America does we are like the big bullies of this world who think we can save the world when the world itself does not want saving.
Kite Runner and Me. Part II
In the Chapter 17, Amir and Rahim are in a house talking bout Hassan and how he changed. They also bring up the point that the Hassan they known and loved is gone. But the symbolic item in this chapter is the picture, the letter, and the Taliban. Amir reads the letter and it brings up a discussion about the issues they face at home.
However, I have seen something similar to this before in a movie called "The Dark Knight", a fimilar scene as well. In the film that is now classic thriller, the Joker is at large in Gotham City and is causing havoc among the citizens of Gotham. Batman, the dark knight, trys in his power to stop the Joker but despite is affords he loses the battle and the woman he loves. Ironically, before his beloved diedshe wrote him a letter and told him that the love he once knew has gone. To spice it up I see the Joker and his goons as the Taliban who are unfair and demonic.
However, I have seen something similar to this before in a movie called "The Dark Knight", a fimilar scene as well. In the film that is now classic thriller, the Joker is at large in Gotham City and is causing havoc among the citizens of Gotham. Batman, the dark knight, trys in his power to stop the Joker but despite is affords he loses the battle and the woman he loves. Ironically, before his beloved diedshe wrote him a letter and told him that the love he once knew has gone. To spice it up I see the Joker and his goons as the Taliban who are unfair and demonic.
Words !! Words !! Words!! Vocab 10-17
burqa - a loose, usually black or light blue robe that is worn by Muslim women.
Interminable- having no limits
trek - a journey or trip, esp. one involving difficulty or hardship.
Elopement- to run of with a lover
fretting - to make a way by gnawing, corrosion, wearing away.
braying - to make a loud, harsh, disagreeable sound.Ambivalent- uncertainty or fluctuation
Elopement- to run of with a lover
Idle- not working or active
Squall: a sudden disturbance or commotion
invigorating- to fill with life or energy
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Kite Runner Chap. 1-9 Something I Never Knew !!
Throughout this novel I've heard of two types of Muslim religions or cultures that I did not know existed.
The Shi’a Muslim and Sunni Muslim groups were in continous rotation in the books pages, and I wondered who they were and why are they so important. With curiousity I looked up who each tribe or group was and what their purpose is. Sunni Islam is the largest branch of Islam, comprising at least 85% of the world's 1.4 billion Muslims.[1] Sunnis are also referred to as Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jamā‘ah (Arabic: أهل السنة والجماعة "people of the tradition (of Muhammad) and the community").The Shi'a Muslim are based on the teachings of the Islamic holy book, the Qur'an and the message of the final prophet of Islam.
They both use the studies of the Holy Quran. .
The Kite Runner and Me !
During, chapter seven of Kite Runner I realized a similar situation that occured in my life over the past year. In chapter 7, Hassan shares a dream that he had the Amir. In this dream he shows a tremendous amount of character like bravery, and leadership. Through these traits he displays, he reveals to the people that it is safe to swim in the lake even though there is an alleged monster inhabiting it. Hassan's dream gave Amir the courage and strength he needed to fight in the tournament. To quote Hassan he stated, "There's no monster, just a beautiful day." With those words in mind Amir fought a good fight on what Hassan calls "a beautiful day."
Ironically, my situation was quite similar to Hassan and Amir's because it starts with a dream that gives someone else the courage they needed. Recently, last year two friends and I had the priviledge of going to the NJ PAC Center to perform an orignal song. However, the night before a member of my group expressed to me how afraid to perform in the show. With this in mind I prayed and ask for a way to give my group member the courage he needed. Better than being told what to say I was shown what to do with my group member. I was shown to calm him down and tell him relax, feel the rhythm, and let everything, your emotions and talent flow through you. He took my words to heart and we performed the song the way it was supposed to be performed. I've learned sometimes it takes a friend to tell you your true potential. .
Ironically, my situation was quite similar to Hassan and Amir's because it starts with a dream that gives someone else the courage they needed. Recently, last year two friends and I had the priviledge of going to the NJ PAC Center to perform an orignal song. However, the night before a member of my group expressed to me how afraid to perform in the show. With this in mind I prayed and ask for a way to give my group member the courage he needed. Better than being told what to say I was shown what to do with my group member. I was shown to calm him down and tell him relax, feel the rhythm, and let everything, your emotions and talent flow through you. He took my words to heart and we performed the song the way it was supposed to be performed. I've learned sometimes it takes a friend to tell you your true potential. .
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Kite Runner Chapter 1-9 Vocabulary

- Veracity - habitual observance of truth in speech or statement; truthfulness Vehemently - strongly emotional; intense or passionate.
- Akin - having a similar quality or character; analogous.
- Unatoned- to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender
- Lore-the body of knowledge, esp. of a traditional, anecdotal, or popular nature, on a particular subject
- Apt- inclined; disposed; given; prone: too apt to slander others.
- Intricate-having many interrelated parts or facets; entangled or involved
- Mahogany- any of several tropical American trees of the genus Swietenia, esp. S. mahagoni and S. macrophylla, yielding hard, reddish-brown wood used for making furniture.
- Unscrupulous- not scrupulous; unrestrained by scruples; conscienceless; unprincipled.
- Congenital- of or pertaining to a condition present at birth, whether inherited or caused by the environment, esp. the uterine environment
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Lion King and Macbeth Face-off

It is finally time to throw Macbeth down a rocky gorge and watch him fall to a sweet satisfying death. During my studies of Macbeth I realized that Lion King has a common place which they both share. In the tragedy of Macbeth, Macbeth sends two murders to kill the heirs of the throne to Scotland so that no one can approach his majesty. In comparison, The Lion King, prizes the same scene. In the Disney Classic, The Lion King, Scar kills Mufusa, the rightful king in a rocky gorge during a stampede. Not satisfied Scar sent his henchmen, “the hyena’s”, to murder the true heir to the throne which is Prince Simba. In result, Macbeth and Lion King, feed off each other, some people say that Lion King is the Disney version of Hamlet. However, I see some Macbeth in Lion King by the means of these familiar scene and others.
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